Senior referees from across all three services officiate at the highest level of Services rugby.
All have officiated in Inter-service matches, and many of them are National Panel or aspiring National Panel referees.
Amongst our cohort we have match officials who have refereed in World Rugby appointments.
Appointments are made by the UKAF Referee Appointer, in conjunction with the single Service Senior Referee Appointers, to ensure that there is the opportunity for everyone to develop.
UK Armed Forces Rugby Referees Contact information:
Chair – Wg Cdr Fraser Gray – referees@ukafrfc.co.uk
Honorary Secretary – Sqn Ldr Del Tickner – referees@ukafrfc.co.uk
Referee Appointer – Sqn Ldr –Fraser.Tod536@mod.gov.uk
Capped Referees:
The following Level 6 or above Referees and Assistant Referees have been capped for UKAF since season 2019/2020:
Capped Referees:
1. Cdr Dunx Mcclement - Royal Navy
2. Lt Matt Turfrey - Royal Navy
3. Lt Si Priestley - Royal Navy
4. Maj Ian Farrell - Army
5. Capt Martin Bentley - Army
6. Maj Adam Hughes - Army
7. Capt Nikki O’Donnell - Army
8. Capt Iain Kiy - Army
9. 2Lt Michael Todd - Army
10. Rfn Matt Duncan - Army
11. Flt Lt Jonathan Priestley - RAF
12. SAC Craig Johnson - RAF
13. Mr Tom Foley - Army
Capped Assistant Referees:
1. Sgt Dewald Swart - Army
2. Flt Lt Fraser Todd - RAF
3. Sqn Ldr Phil Ware - RAF
4. Lt Cdr Tim Bailey - Royal Navy
5. WO Mark Lenton-Jinks - RAF
6. Lt Col Tom Evans-Jones - Royal Navy